
Saturday, June 21, 2008

I Love NY...

I really do love this city. While I was shopping in SoHo today someone approached me and told me to go check out some art up the block. So I did. I was surprised that there was a naked woman inside the glass. She invited me to go check her out if I wanted to. She had whipped cream, walnuts and strawberry jelly all over her privates. Luckily I managed to get a few shots with my cellphone.What is that?

Oh shit shes not wearing clothes.

I was in there with the quickness. LMAO!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Back to work...

So I finally found a job at Power House Gym located in 42st between Madison and Park Avenue. I guess its not bad since Im getting paid $9 an hour and I get to use the gym for free. I knocked down two birds with one stone. Im kind of disappointed I did not get a Supreme Predator Tee that came out last week but I will end up getting it eventually. I cant wait to get the 7/16 Packages coming out this weekend.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Its Friday bitches...

I am home bored as usual. Listening to Seeing Sounds N.E.R.D's new album and I gotta admit its pretty good well at least I like it. I am thinking about going to campout for the new DQM Blazers that are coming out tomorrow but I am still indecisive I guess if I get money to go get some Bud and Liquor I will take the trip.

First of all this is one of the greatest videos to hit the internet. You gotta love Japanese people not only for the technology/fashion they bring to this world but also their television. I was actually crossing my fingers and cheering in my head that he would make it.

Second this is the third version of Flashing Lights. This was supposed to be the original flashing lights music video but Kanye did not like it and made two more. This is MY favorite flashing lights video and I think that this should have been the official video but oh well.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

June 1st...

Remember how I made a list last month about what I planned to accomplish for the month of May. Well....
1.Get a job.
I actually did get a job for The Broadway Comedy Club as a street promoter. Well that only lasted one day.
2.Buy some sneakers.
Nope. I did not buy any sneakers at all.
3.Get my license.
Its funny because I did get my license Yesterday May 31st.
4.Join the gym.
I don't have money so I haven't joined yet.
5.Get GTA IV.
Technically I did not buy it. But I did get it. I have been playing it for the past 3 weeks thanks uncle Alex.
6.Start saving up for my 5 series BMW.
Well I do have about $175 in my bank account so I guess that counts.
7.Go see Kanye West in concert.
Yes I definitely did this and because I did, I did not buy any clothes or sneakers for May.

I guess its not bad because I did not accomplish 2 of those things. Some of the things were correlative as well.

My June to do list is the following.
Finish paying my debt to my cousins. Which is $180.
Save up at least $1500. I think this might be easy to be honest.
Get an Ipod Touch. Buy sneakers. We will see how this turns out to be.